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Scanning by HP Sprout

We tried to scan the following objects using the Hp Sprout scanner. The report would be discussing the problems we faced scanning all these objects and what went in your favor. 


Glasses case:

The scanning of the case went great. We could even capture the texture patterns on its surface. The only problem we head that it was hard to completely erase the impression of our fingers from its rounded edges.



The shoe was one of our best scans. It had a good volume and was asymmetric which made it an ideal candidate for our scans. We captured all the intricacies of its shape and texture.


Whiteboard cleaner bottle:

The cleaner bottle was cylindrical in shape and had text written all over it. Its shape was easy to scan but the text on its surface did not turn out great when we integrate the pictures from our scans. It did not surprise us as being a cylindrical surface, its harder for the scanner to allocate the text images in a way such that it merges in complete harmony.


Women’s Wallet:

The wallet’s scan could mimic the shape of the object but failed to have a similar color. The reason behind that was the pale pink color on the wallet which was hard to recognize.



Toour surprise, The figurine could be scanned with a lot more accuracy than the other objects. We thought that a small object like that would be harder to scan but the irregularity in its symmetry made it a perfect choice for scanning. We could even map the different colors on its surface to the 3D-scan.


Water bottle cap:

We tried to scan a water bottle cap for our report. The problem with the cap was that it was too small and all back which made it harder to scan. There were a lot of grooves on the surface which could not be recorded by the camera.


Extension chord: 

The chord had a perfect scan except for the fact that it was hollow. As one of its sides was relatively small to the others, we could not rotate the object to capture one of its faces. This led t the scan turning out to be hollow.


Coffee Mug:

The problem we faced with the mug was its glossy surface. As the surface was very reflective,, we could not capture the mug’s handle as it could not be recognized as a part of the object by the scanner.

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