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Scanning by Leica

  1. We used an iPad Pro 2018 for connecting to the Leica BLK360 Scanner. We chose to use the Autodesk Recap app available on the Apple app store since it is convenient to scan the areas. It also preserves the scans locally on iPad.

  2. The scanner setup was very easy. We set the scanner on a tripod and powered it on. Next, using the Recap application, we started scanning and each scan took about 5-7 minutes. 

  3. To get a comprehensive scan of the entire room we had to set it up in 2-3 different spots in the room. Each was about 50ft away from the first spot.

  4. We were able to merge the different scans on recap after each scan completes the registration process. It also displayed the overlap percentage for each scan. We also tried to manually merge the scans where the overlap percentage was low. This proved to be rather difficult because it was complicated to locate the exact spots in 2 different scans of the same space.


  • BLK360 can scan 360 degrees horizontally and 300 degrees vertically, where it is not able to scan exactly below and above the scanner.

  • It cannot capture moving objects, as BLK360 captures panoramic images and points over the plane.

  • Overlapping in scanning must be very high, above 85% and the density of scan should of high, otherwise we won’t get all the points in cloudpoint scan to render in VR.

  • Points of previous positions are shown by white portals (in Recap), where we can switch the scans.

  • Scans are blurry and pinkish on points where there is external lights and movements.

  • At some positions, especially in direct sunlight, we get some black patches in scan (Tommy Trojan scan). On further inspection, we also checked that these patches may be fixed by updating the firmware and using a different app than Recap. We will be trying those in all future scans.

  • While scanning symmetric places, BLK 360 failed to get the merge points (VKC building scan). 

  • In the panoramic imagery, BLK 360 can capture all the distances in the image, but we don’t get good amount of cloud points to render it in VR. This also happens if the scans are taken from places more than 30 feet away.

  • BLK 360 can scan places with good light and overlap very well, the only important thing is overlap and the resolution of the scan, in the interest of VR rendering.

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